Plastic Gas Line Tracer Wire IRC G2415.14.3 (404.14.3)

The code says
A yellow insulated copper tracer wire or other approved conductor shall be installed adjacent to underground nonmetallic piping.
I would assume what is shown below is acceptable. What does “other approved” mean ?

Plastic Gas Line Tracer Wire

Plastic Gas Line Tracer Wire

Comments on Plastic Gas Line Tracer Wire IRC G2415.14.3 (404.14.3)

October 26, 2008

8:43 pm #

Metal wire is required so that utility workers can use induced current detectors to pass a strong magnetic field over the ground and watch for induced current in metal wires. That way they know where the gas / water / cable / etc lines are buried. Simple plastic tape would do no good (other than for visual identification while digging), unless it had a metallic strip.

This one just looks like shiny plastic (but it is hard to tell if there is a metal strip).

October 27, 2008

4:48 pm #

It appears to be a metallic tape.