Improper installed flashing

This deck does not have the shingleing effect.

Bad Deck Flashing

Bad Deck Flashing

This roof flasing doesn’t work either.

Bad roof flashing

Bad roof flashing

Some more bad roof flashing fixed with silicone.

Just add Silicone

Just add Silicone

Filed under Flashing by .

Comments on Improper installed flashing

November 5, 2009

Zach Shanley
6:32 am #

Everflashing is the best and easyest flashing I have ever used, and it allows you to resurface a deck without ever being intrusive to the wall envelope again.
great product Two thumbs up.

November 6, 2009
November 9, 2009

Zach Shanley
6:34 am #

Yes I have all kinds of pictures.